Materials specific to Kamchatka and Chukotka are on a separate page.Linguistic materialsare listed in a separate bibliography.
Archeology of North-East Asia is mostly in Russian, but there are some things in English.
Sibirskii Khronograf Publishing House has a catalog of some related materials for purchase in Russian.
Main Page
Akaha, Tsuneo, editor
1997 Politics and Economics in the Russian Far East: Changing Ties
with Asia-Pacific. Routledge.
Anderson, David
2000 Identity and Ecology in Arctic Siberia - The Number One Reindeer
Brigade. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Balzer, Majorie Mandelstam
1999 The Tenacity of Ethnicity: A Siberian Saga in Global Perspective.
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Perilous States: Conversations on Culture, Politics, and Nation. George E. Marcus,
ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp131-64.
Balzer, Majorie Mandelstam, editor
1997 Shamanic Worlds: Rituals and Lore of Siveria and Central Asia.
Armonk, NY and London: M.E. Sharpe.
1995 Culture Incarnate: Native Anthropology from Russia. Armond,
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1992 Russian Traditional Culture: Religion, Gender, and Customary
Law. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. (DK 510.32.R87)
1990 Shamanism:Soviet Studies of Tradition Religion in Siberian and
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1996 Nationalism, Interethnic Relations, and Federalism. Europe-Asia
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1934 "The Siberian Origin of Our Northwestern Indians." Pacific Science
Congress, 5th, Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. 1933. Proceedings, Vol. IV, Toronto.
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1973 The Nivkh (Gilyak) of Sakhalin and the Lower Amur. Arctic Anthropology.
10: 1-110.
Bremmer, Ian A. and Ray Taras, editors
1993 Nation and Politics in the Soviet Successor States. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (JN 6520.R43.N38)
Brower, Daniel R. and Edward J. Lazzerini, editors.
1997 Russias's Orient: Imperial Borderlands and Peoples, 1700-1917.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Buttino, Marco, editor
1993 "In a Collapsing Empire: Underdevelopment, Ethnic Conflicts
and Nationalisms in the Soviet Union." Annali, Anno Ventottesimo 1992; Fondazione
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Milano: Feltrinelli Editore. (DK33.I53 1993)
Revised essays presented at a conference with the same title.
Siberia is not addressed, but there is a lot of good stuff here on nationalism
and the USSR, and Russians in all partf of the FSU.
Casanowicz, Immanuel Moses
1925 "Shamanism of the Natives of Siberia." Smithsonian Institution.
Annual Report for 1924. Washington. pp 415-434. (also separately).
Chichlo, Boris
1985 "The cult of the bear and Soviet ideology in Siberia. C. Burch,
trans. Religion in Communist Lands. 13: 166-181 Summer.
Christiansen, Reidar Thoralf
1953 "Ecstasy and Arctic Religion." Studia Septentrionalia, Vol.
IV. Part 1. pp 19-92.
Collins, David N., editor
1991 Siberia and the Soviet Far East. World Bibliographical Series
v. 127 Santa Barbara, CA: Clio Press. (Ref Z3401.C65)
Czaplicka, Maria Antoinette
1914 Aboriginal Siberia, a Study in Social Anthropology. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
1914b "The Influence of Environment upon the Religious Ideas and Practices of
the Aborigines of Northern Asia." Folk-Lore, vol. 25. pp 34-54.
1921 "Siberia, Sibiriaks, Siberians." In: Hastings, James, ed. Encyclopaedia
of Religion and Ethics. vol. 11. pp 488-496.
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland
1937 Snowshoes. American Philosophical Society. Memoirs. Vol. VI.
Dioszegi, Vilmos, Mihaly Hoppál, editors
1978 Shamanism in Siberia. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. (BL2370.S5
Dmytryshyn, Basil, E.A.P. Crownhart-Vaughan, and Thomas Vaughn
1985-88 To Siberia and Russian America: Three Centuries of Russian
Eastward Expansion, 1558-1867. 3 vols. Three volumes
of documentary records., titled Russias Conquest of Siberia, 1558-1700,:Russian
Penetration of the North Pacific Ocean, 1700-1799; The Russian American Colonies,
Dolgikh, B. O. and M. G. Levin
1962 Transition from Kinship to Territorial Relationships in the
History of the Peoples of Northern Siberia. In Studies in Siberian Ethnogenesis.
H. N. Michael, ed. Toronto: U Toronto P. [1951].
Fitzhugh, William W. and Valérie Chaussonnet
1993 Anthropology of the North Pacific Rim. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian.
Fitzhugh, Willliam W. and Aron Crowell
1988 Crossroads of the Continents. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian.
Flakierski, Henryk
1993 Income Inequalities in the Former Soviet Union and Its Republics.
Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Also as International Journal of Sociology, 22 (3).
(HC 340.I5 F56 1993)
Fondahl, Gail
1999 Autonomous Regions and Indigenous Rights in Northern Russia,
in: Dependency, Autonomy and Sustainability in the Arctic, Hanne Petersen and
Birger Poppel (eds.), 55-63. Aldershot: Ashgate
1998 Gaining Ground? Evenkis, Land and Reform in Southeastern Siberia,
Wilton, CT: Allyn and Bacon.
1997 Environmental Degradation and Indigenous Land Claims in Russia's
North. In Contested Arctic. Indigenous Peoples, Industrial States, and the Circumpolar
Environment, Eric Alden Smith and Joan McCarter (eds.), 68-87. Seattle: University
of Washington Press.
1997 Freezing the Frontier: Territories of Traditional Nature Use
in Northern Russia, Progress in Planning 47(4):307-319. (Special issue on Frontiers
and Indigenous Peoples)
1997 Siberia: Assimilation and Its Discontents. In New Nations, New
Politics. Building the Post-Soviet Nations, Ian Bremmer and Raymond Taras (eds.),
190-232. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1997 [with Mangataeva, Darima D] Traditsionnoe khozyaystvovanie
kak osnova ustoychivogo razvitiya korennykh narodov Zabaykal'skogo Severa [Traditional
economic activities as the basis of sustainable development of the peoples of
the Transbaykal North], Geografiya i Prirodnye Resursy 1:138-145.
1996 Contested Terrain: Changing Boundaries and Identities in Southeastern
Siberia, Post-Soviet Geography 37(1):3-15.
1995 Legacies of Territorial Restructuring for Indigenous Land Claims
in Northern Russia, Polar Geography and Geology 19(1):1-21.
1995 The Status of Indigenous Peoples in the Russian North, Post-Soviet
Geography 36(4):215-224
Forsyth, James
1992 A History of the Peoples of Siberia: Russia's North Asian Colony,
1581-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (DK 758.F67)
Funk, Dmitriy A. and Lennard Sillanpää, editors
1999 The Small INdigenous Nations of Northern Russia: A Guide for
Researchers.Vaasa, Finland: Åbo Akademi University, Social Science Research
Unit Publication No. 29.
Golder, Frank A.
1960 Russian Expansion of the Pacific, 1641-1850:An Account of the
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Goldhagen, Erich
1968 Ethnic Minorities in the Soviet Union.
Graburn, Nelson H. H. and B. Stephen Strong
1973 Circumpolar Peoples: An Anthropological Perspective (Pacific
Palisades, Ca.: Goodyear Publishing). [GN673.G72]
Grant, Bruce
1995 In the Soviet House of Culture: A Century of Perestroikas (Princeton:
Princeton University Press).
1993a "Siberia Hot and Cold: Reconstructing the Image of Siberian
Indigenous Peoples" In Between Heavan and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian
Culture. G. Diment and Y. Slezkine, eds. pp. 227-54. (New York: St. Martin's
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2001 The obshchina in Chukotka: Land, property and local autonomy. Working
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2000 "Chukotkan Reindeer Husbandry in the Post-Socialist Transition,"
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1940 "Bear Ceremonialism in the Northern Hemisphere." American Anthropologist,
N. S. 28: 1-175.
Harris, Chaency D.
1993 "The new Russian Minorities: A Statistical Overview." Post-Soviet
Geography. 34 (1): 1-28.
Hoppál, M., editor
1995 Shamanism in Performing Arts. Budapest: Academy of Sciences.
1984 Shamanism in Siberia, part 2.
Horak, Stephan M., editor 1982 Guide to the study of the Soviet Nationalities: Non-Russian Peoples of the USSR. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited. (Z2517.E85. G84)
Humphrey, Caroline
1983 Karl Marx Collective: Economy, Society, and Religion in a Siberian
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Irimoto, Takashi and Takako Yamada, editors
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Jakobson, Roman, Gerta Hüttl-Worth, John Fred Beebe
1957 Paleosiberian Peoples and Languages: A Bibliographical Guide.
New Haven. HRAF Press. (GN673.J3).
Most of the sources are in Russian, but if it was
written before 1957, it is in here. Many unpublished and archival sources documented.
Jochelson, Waldemar (Vladimir Ilyich)
1928 Peoples of Asiatic Russia. American Musem of Natural History.
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1992 Russland als Vielvoelkerreich Entstehung, Geschichte, Zerfall.
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Karlowich, Robert A.
1990 A Guide to Scholarly Resources on the Russian Empire and the
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1986 "Ruling Siberia: The Imperial Power, the Othodox Church and
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1964 The Peoples of Siberia. Dunn S., trans. ed. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press. (DK758.A4813)
Good general introduction to all of the ethnographic
groups of Siberia and the Far East, it presents a consistent Marxist-Leninist
Leaver, Betty Lou
1989 "Research Materials: Bibliography of Siberian Dialiects of Russian.
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