Photograph is from the American Museum
of Natural History, negative #114141. Morris K. Jesup was director of the Museum
and personally finaced the expedition which bears his name. The North Pacific
Expedition established the manager, Franz Boas, as Amer ica's premier anthropologist
and launched the careers of many of his students, as well as those of Bogoraz
and Jochelson.
Photograph is from American Museum of Natural History, negative #338343.
This portrait of (from left) Vladimir Jochelson, Norman G. Buxton, and Vladimir
Bogoras was taken in San Francisco shortly before the group sailed for the Russian
Far East in 1900. Bogoras and his wife made a general anthropological survey
of the Chukchi, and Bogoras also conducted linguistic fieldwork among the settled
Koryak in the Kamenskii region. Jochelson and his wife, Dina Brodskaya, conducted
general anthropological research among the Koryak in Penzhinskii and Kamenskii
regions and a little further south along the Okhotsk shore of the Kamchatka
Bogoras later went on to establish ethnography as a discipline in Russian and the Soviet Union with his colleague Lev Shternberg. Jochelson emmigrated after the revolution to New York and published several important works on native Siberian peoples.
For more information, consult the informative chapter on the Jesup Expedition in the Crossroads of Continents exhibition catalog published by the Smithsonian.
Page Date: July 18, 2002